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Social Media Event

The members of the SNAP team each wrote a message to promote the inclusion of the special needs community and alleviate the disconnect. Others in the community showed their support of our causes by updating their pictures on social media with the SNAP profile frame to help spread unity and kindness.


#1: New Year Dinner w/ Special Needs Families

As a team, our first event was collectively helping out at the  New Year Dinner, which was hosted by the San Andreas Regional Center. For the majority of our members, this was the first time they got a first-hand experience interacting with autistic teens. According to Selina, one of our members, it was "a really heartwarming and pleasant first experience". The members served dinner and played games with the autistic teens, and although some members were initially hesistant at first contact, they eventually became closer with the teens as the members engaged in joyful conversations with them. Overall, it was a very transforming and successful experience for members in SNAP who had never interacted with autistic people!

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